Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I have been mulling over this for the past year and it is only going to get worse. I have decided to make POESY a bi-annual publication. Quarterly at today's printing prices with the new format is going to put me in the poor house indefinitely.

This may only be temporary until I get used to my new schedule and things slow down, but for now plan on POESY coming out in March and September.

I have been reading submissions like crazy and wish I could only be inspired... come on.. give me something I can sink my teeth into and grapple with for a while!

I also considered running a Wired Poets (poets of the Wired Wash Cafe open mic in santa cruz) issue, but since it shut down in June due to the rent being stolen (allegedly), that has dissolved as well. I don't want to step back into the tracks of poetry, I want to carry what is groundbreaking now into the future. Something that poets of today can relate to and identify with what is happening in the poetry world as of now, this very moment, today.... I need answers!