Friday, November 21, 2008

Back from China...

I failed to let everyone know I was off to China for a good 2-3 weeks. I knew less than a week before I left, so it put a damper on getting the mags out to the full subscription list. There are still some orders off etsy I need to fullfill. Anyway I am back. It was an experience (as always) filled with culture building relationships in the optics industry. I still think about going over there to do a chinese contemporary poets issue. I am toying with it for next issue which means I will have to shut down submissions.

On another personal note, my writing has fallen to the wayside until I can comprehend the last few months experiences and have just been writing folkish songs for guitar, but at least the inspiration is flowing in one way or another.

The issue has gotten an interesting response. Good, but subtle. I hope to push it out there even harder these next two months. Thanks again to all of you for being such a major part of POESY!!!