Sunday, October 12, 2008


Issue XXXVII is packed and on the way back from the press right now!

INTERVIEWS with Len Fulton of Small Press Review by Brian Morrisey and Pushcart Prize Winner Afaa Michael Weaver with Doug Holder

POETRY: john dorsey, jane stuart, sam silva, normal, b.r. strahan, david c.
orsheski, william taylor, jr., ally malinenko, afaa michael weaver, guy r. beining, tim suermondt, eileen kennedy, coleen t. houlihan, brittony johnson

PHOTOGRAPHY: a.d. winans, alethia drehmer, michael berstein, eugenia hepworth petty,brian morrisey, john bower, randy thurman, christopher robin

REVIEWS: tam lin nelville reviews Louis McKee’s, “Still Life” and brian morrisey reviews the first issue of the magazine “poeisis”

If you would like to order a hardcopy of the issue, you can send us $3.00 or order online at

(I apologize for any rejection or acceptance letters not received yet. I am still catching up.)

Thank you all for your continued support!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Issue XXXVII at the press

Issue XXXVII went to press today and I won't tell you how much they took out of my bank account
(it's depressing), but the issue looks fantastic (confirmed by two innocent bystander fellow santa cruzian poets/editor).

The web site is currently being given a nice face-lift by designer Dave Hite. It's going to bring our web site into 21st century interface. I am so focused on the print that by the time I got around to working on the web site this issue, I was burned out. Dave has done wonders with Debbie Kirk's website and it is a whole different approach to design.

I will have the rejection letters, etc. finished by the end of this month. Next issue could possibly be a Wired Poets (poets from Santa Cruz's Wired Wash Cafe), so please inquire before you submit anything. I should know for sure in a week or two.

We're still having the Wired Poets readings at my house until we find a new venue. I will steal some of Dave's photos. Its become quite an interesting reading and the after party is getting more and more out of control every week so I should get a venue scouted out soon before I am exiled from Santa Cruz.

Not much new on the personal homefront I want to talk about. I'm Irish, you'll get the scoop after I am done bottling it up and explode all over the page.