Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday and a cup o' tea

Yeah its thursday. I haven't been able to type because instead of working on the issue, this weekend, I was wakeboarding and I strained muscles in both my arms. I have been walking around doing the robot for four days now.

I sit here with my cup o' loose leaf green tea thinking about the issue and procrastinating here. The issue is moving along though. We have an article from our Boston editor Doug on Aafa Michael Weaver and his Pushcart winning poem American Income. Doug talks to him about everything from China to spaghettios.

I am interviewing Len Fulton for this issue. The force behind Dustbooks and Small Press Review. See, if you read this boring blog, you might get a glimpse of what's about to explode in POESY. Usually I don't reveal who I am interviewing until a week or two before the issue is released. Wait a second... October 1 is our deadline... hmmmm....

Good poems and amazing photos from a few gifted folks.

In other sloppy poetry news, the Wired Poets, the infamous weekly open mic in Santa Cruz, has been proceeding at my house until we find a venue. My neighbors haven't banged on my door yet at all the rucus so we will continue to tear up the grass in my yard, smear chocolate chip cookies on my walls and maybe continue to read mind-boggling poems.

Upcoming for POESY: Issue #37, a revamped website (one that actually works), our monthly newsletter back in the circulation, and a smart dog eating contest.

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